วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is Leona's Best Kept Secret?

The truth is that Leona's best kept secret is exactly what it says on the
album cover. "Best kept Secret" is the name of the new album and, the best
thing about it, that it's no longer being kept secret.

If you've heard the track that couldn't be kept secret, being playing on
the radio recently you'll know the sound to expect. The great voice of
Leona with an R&B twist.

It's an open secret that Best Kept Secret has been available as an import
from Japan for some time. It's not being sold at the best price, which is
what kept me from ordering it. I wouldn't have been best pleased if I had
ordered it, as the UK release of Best Kept Secret has two more tracks on
it than its Japanese cousin (twelve rather than ten).

Best Kept Secret – The TV ad

A friend of mine sent me a sneak preview of the TV ad for Best Kept Secret.
It began with a completely pixelated screen, with an excerpt from a slow
–tempo Leona track (Presumably one off the album). The pixels kept
blinking, slowly revealing the secret identity of a woman as a voice-over
said: "It is the Best kept secret". A caption, reading "BEST KEPT SECRET"
in elegant capital letters appears, then the pixels reveal the secret
they've kept – a still image of Leona Lewis, looking as lovely as ever.
The music kept playing as the best kept secret was revealed. "Leona
Lewis's new album", said the voice in the best traditions of movie trailer
voices. The album cover was revealed, and then the voice said something I
wasn't expecting: "Is only available at secret leona dot com".

I kept playing it to see if I'd missed something, but with the best will
in the world I couldn't see any other logos. Is Best Kept Secret really
only going to be available from a website? Is this really the best way to
market it? I kept being reminded of those 'best of the charts' albums that
were around in the seventies. Could Best Kept Secret actually be some kind
of tribute album?
Had some producer found a secret Leona sound-a-like and kept her hidden
away while they took their best shot at copying Leona? I even wondered if
they selling the album online as the best way to make sure they kept their
little secret a secret? Only when you ordered the album would your best
hopes be dashed when you read the small print that had been kept to the
smallest point size possible. The secret would be out and you'd think that
your money would have been best kept in your pocket. But I was wrong…

Best Kept Secret – The website

I checked out SecretLeona.com and the best I can tell is that the album is
the genuine article. The TV ad plays on the site, but there are no other
previews of what's actually on Best Kept Secret. According to the blurb,
it is a collection of twelve completely original R&B tracks. So it seems
Leona is a secret lover of dance music. I had kept wondering about that –
how someone so young had kept putting out the sort of torch songs normally
associated with older artists. I suppose these songs did show off her
voice to its best advantage – but I always had a secret suspicion that she
probably liked to get 'down and dirty' in secret.

Eager to hear more of what's on Best Kept Secret, I kept trawling the
internet to find more tracks from the album. The best I could do was find
thirty second samples of the tracks, which is hardly enough time to judge
any of them (unless you know the secret of musical extrapolation – which
is a best kept secret in itself). I kept playing the best clips and they
sounded pretty good.

The verdict on Best Kept Secret

I've kept you in suspense too long, so it's probably best that I reveal my
secret thoughts on Best Kept Secret. What I can really tell you is the
album is a collection of R&B dance tracks sung by Leona Lewis. And it's
awesome. There, the best kept secret is out.

