วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Play Chess and the Reasons Why

How to play chess is being researched more than ever these days and one of
the reasons for it is the benefits that learning how to play chess can
provide for our brain.

Chess is a strange game that was invented way before anyone could really
record it. The written history only can show some proof of the chess game
about 600 A.D. However, it could well have been invented a lot earlier.

The idea is a fairly simple one where two opposing armies battle for their
kingdom. The pieces represent the people from each kingdom and the players
are the generals who command the kingdoms to victory or defeat. It is a
strategic game that benefits the player's way beyond their expectations.

Studies have shown that learning and playing the game can increase your IQ
and surprisingly give your self-steam a boost. Not to mention your
spatial, numerical and administrative-directional abilities that will be
maximized in great proportions.

The beauty of the game is that you will develop strategic abilities that
could be used in your everyday life allowing you to be more precise in
your decisions and in your ability to foresee possible outcomes judging
different moves you can take in real life.

The ultimate objective of the game is to capture the opposing king. Once
you achieve this goal the game ends and you as a general have the victory.
But to get to this stage you need to learn the moves of the six kinds of
men who have many varieties of moves. This will bring great benefit to
your memory and the good thing is it requires very little practice in
order to learn the different moves.

The combination of these moves is so deep and powerful that many
professional players say that from the depth and wealth of those
combinations lays the pleasure of this game.

Learn how to play chess is a magical experience that can only enhance our
ability to think and perform better in life.

Enter this magical world and learn how to play chess in no time at all. If
you already know how to play the game then you can develop more strategies
than you ever thought possible.

Learn in depth strategies about how to play chess like a champion far
quicker than you could ever have thought. Just visit
howtoplaychesssecrets.com and benefit from this powerful tool.

