found three red lights blinking away around the power button then you
probably already know that something has gone wrong. Read on to find out
what causes this problem and how to get it fixed.
This is actually a failure of the hardware - this means that something
inside the console, usually parts on the motherboard, have stopped working
and that your console cannot due its thing without them.
The component in question is the GPU, the graphical processing unit, and
the CPU, which is the central processing unit. The graphical processing
unit is what makes you see all the cool graphics on your screen. The more
advanced a game's graphics, the more work this component has to do in
order to let you see the graphics properly. The central processing unit is
pretty much what makes your console work at all - it has to be happy or
nothing happens.
So this is why a hardware failure is a big problem, but it is not the end
of the world. You can send the console to Microsoft to fix and they will
repair the motherboard by soldering the chips back onto it for you -
usually this error appears when excess heat has caused the motherboard to
bend and the chips to snap off. However, Microsoft takes a long time to do
this, up to six weeks.
Your other option is to get your hands on an Xbox 360 repair guide which
will show you how to prevent excess heat building up inside your console
with various items you should be able to find around the house. It sounds
highly technical but isn't and you should be playing again within the
Make sure you use a guide that includes videos and a full money back
guarantee and you won't have any problems.
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